Revival Atmosphere

I recently had the privilege of speaking at our home church in the Philippines, His Mission Christian Fellowship, during their retreat and had a wonderful time.

HMCF Retreat

I spoke on the Baptism of The Holy Spirit and He really moved in the church. The whole the church experienced a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit including several people who were filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time.

Revival Atmosphere at HMCF

One was a twelve-year-old boy who reminded me of myself as I was the same age when I was first filled with the Holy Spirit at a similar meeting at a youth camp and it changed my life forever. The cool thing about this is he started coming to the church because of the feeding program there. The church is in an impoverished area and feeds children several times a week.

This awesome church was originally founded by missionaries who came from the historical Pensacola/Brownsville Revival. I think it is just awesome that those same revival fires are still burning in the Philippines many years later. Elijah enjoying the Revival Meeting