We Finally Bought a Drum Set!

Our New Drum Set!

We finally were able to buy a new drum set for the Refuge for only $250.00. Also with the help of a brilliant technician, we repaired the broken power amplifiers that we have been borrowing.  Repairing those amplifiers are an answer to prayer and are able to help us continue indoor events at the Refuge.

Our Drums in Action!

We are still believing God for a portable 4,000 watt sound system complete with speakers and amplifiers with stage lighting and instruments to use for outdoor outreaches. The drums are the foundation of our stage set up. We still are in need of a bass guitar, acoustic guitar, and an electric lead guitar to complete our stage, but we are so thankful to have a drum set!


Healing Through Worship

Peter Naska Band at the Refuge

At our latest worship event, we had several more new people come to sing and worship God. We encourage expressive, passionate worship. I usually take the time to share a very short message from the Word of God. This time the Lord impressed me to speak on physical and emotional healing, and then pray for the people.

Youth Worshipping God at the Refuge

The healing anointing of the Holy Spirit swept through the place and many were healed. Tears began to flow down the faces of people being emotionally healed and several others were physically healed.

One of the worship leaders there had pain in her back and as I persistently prayed for her the pain slowly left her body until it was totally gone!

Expressive, Passionate Worship

We serve a healing God and he wants to heal everyone. People seem to receive their healing easier when we honor God in an atmosphere of worship. Praise God for His healing power.

After the Worship Event at the Refuge

Winning Souls Through Music

Jay Locsin Band at the Refuge

In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” God has inspired us through that verse to win souls for his Kingdom. When you look at the laws of fishing, you obviously need to have good bait to catch fish.

We have studied the Philippines youth culture for years and realize that young people here LOVE music. I don’t mean they just like it, the whole culture here is obsessed and driven by music. You see and hear the influence of music everywhere from the simplest song of a child the to the unlimited amount of loud karaoke at every gathering.

The Refuge stairs.

We realize that the youth here need and want positive music. We recently held an Alternative Rock Concert at the Refuge to bait the youth to come and hear the Gospel. We had a great turnout with several new young people. We also fed everyone for free, and welcomed them with games and free prizes.

Guys enjoying the concert at the Refuge.

During the concert a young man spoke to us and said, “I am a Muslim, but I am enjoying this concert.” In the middle of the concert, I had the honor of preaching the Gospel to this crowd and every person prayed the prayer of salvation with me. These concerts are truly fishing for men.

Whitefield at the Refuge

We Need Sound Equipment

Our crusty old drum set.

Our old drum set complete with broken legs, separated bass pedal, crusty snare drum, and dog-eared cymbals.

We really want to do more here in the Philippines, but we are really limited by our equipment. It is our vision to have a whole sound system and full band set up to use both at the Refuge and to take on outreaches throughout Mindanao. Unfortunately, we don’t even have the basics to operate now. We have two immediate needs.

 Tattered Drum Set

First, we need to buy a drum set for the Refuge. The one we have been using for years is literally falling apart. The bass pedal is separated and the cymbals are dog-eared, but most of all, the legs on the bass drum have broken to the point that it wants to roll over in the middle of a concert.

Rusty Snare Drum

It will cost about $300 for a basic drum set. I might be able to get a discounted one for as low at $250, but does not have all the cymbals. Please pray for us to get the money we need to buy this much-needed tool for our music based ministry.

 Vintage Lexus Power Amplifier

Secondly, we need a power amplifier to drive our borrowed speakers. The one we are using now is burned out on one side. We are basically using only one channel to power four speakers (two house speakers and two monitors) in mono. It really affects the sound quality. The musicians can barely hear themselves play or sing on the stage. The deepest discount I can find for a power amplifier suitable for our sound system is $400.

Potential New Drum Set

A new drum set like this will cost about 300 dollars.

 Will you please consider helping us buy these much-needed ministry tools? These are for us to reach the lost and refresh believers. We are at the point where we can’t operate without buying these items. Thank you in advance for your support.

Live on the Radio Again

In January, I returned to my radio show on 104.3 FM The Edge Radio Davao. Being on the radio here has the potential of reaching two million listeners on the only Christian FM radio station in Davao City.

Live on the Radio at 104.3FM The Edge Radio Davao

My two hour show, “The Cutting Edge Show,” has a weekly prime time slot on Thursdays at 7 PM. The show consists of Bible teaching surrounded by Contemporary Christian music.  I usually spend about five minutes teaching per segment and play two or three songs before returning to my topic.

No matter what the topic, I always make a point to bring a salvation message to win souls every show. Last week, I received a text message from one of my listeners that the song I played touched him and “brought tears to his eyes.” I thank God that we can touch many lives like this through the radio.

Live on the Radio

Refuge Worship Taking Off

Sharing the Word of God at the Refuge

Our regular worship nights at the Refuge are starting to gain momentum. We are having deep, heartfelt worship nights every time we gather. A typical worship night at the Refuge lasts for more than three hours with only a few minutes of preaching.

Anna singing with Peter Naska Band

It’s really a soaking and refreshing environment. We have everyone from high school students to college students to leaders of other ministries coming to be refreshed.


Our most recent event had several new people come. They left full of the Lord and excited about the next event.

Heartfelt Worship



Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2013 1

Christmas is a special time of the year and it’s best to spend it with family when you can. This is my fifth consecutive Christmas in the Philippines. I sure miss Turkey dinners, Pumpkin Pie, and Egg Nog, but most of all, I miss my American family.

Christmas can be a very lonely time to many people because they are focusing on the family that they don’t have or the physical distance separating them from the ones they love, but the real reason for Christmas is not about you. It is about Jesus (Immanuel) leaving Heaven and His entire Kingdom just so he could be with you. How can you be lonely on the very day we celebrate that Jesus left Heaven just to be with you?

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). —Matthew 1:23

Merry Christmas from the Philippines!

Christmas 2013 2

Together We Can Rebuild Lives Broken by Typhoon Haiyan

Typhoon Haiyan Survivors

After an overwhelming tragedy such as Typhoon Haiyan, it is often a difficult task to determine who to help and what to do immediately and long term. During the first month, handouts and free medical care are crucial to helping people survive. After the immediate threat to survival is taken care of, it is important to get people back on their feet so they don’t get stuck in a handout mentality depending on relief goods to survive.

A Fishing boat cut in half by Typhoon Haiyan near Panay Island.

A Fishing boat cut in half by Typhoon Haiyan near Panay Island.

After ten years of  disaster relief experience, we have learned the best way to help people recover is to restore livelihood and get them back to work so they can take care of their families.

Fishing Boat in Baganga

We want to restore joy by providing this type of fishing boat to families who lost everything

We are partnering with another trusted ministry to provide fishing boats in the very remote fishing island of Buena Vista where 200 families depend on fishing to survive. Thirty of their boats were destroyed during the typhoon. It will cost about  $700 or 30,000 pesos to provide a fishing boat for families who lost everything.

A newly built fishing boat after last year’s Typhoon Pablo.

A newly built fishing boat after last year’s Typhoon Pablo.

Would you please consider giving $70 or even $700 to help rebuild lives?


Good Report from Vanuatu

Jack Tuls and I had a miraculous time in Vanuatu. We went there with the goal of starting three new Bible Schools, one in Efate, one in Espiritu Santo, and another in Tanna Island. We started our spending the first few days in Port Vila, Efate without any fruitful contacts. After we traveled to Espiritu Santo (Holy Spirit) Island, things began to change. Through a series of events, we met a 74-year-old man who was one of the key Christian leaders in all of Vanuatu. The outstanding miracle is He was given land four days before he met us for the purpose of starting a Bible College in Espiritu Santo! It was remarkable to see the divine favor and the timing of God working in our trip.


After we had this divine appointment, we proceeded to the very remote Tanna Island where we met with an influential Chief who was also the pastor of a Foursquare Church. He graciously had Jack preach in the church and several people were healed. Three of them had back problems instantly healed and another woman with stomach pain was healed. He said he would like to start a Bible school after we helped his missionary start a school in Efate!


On the last day of the trip, we returned to Port Vila, Efate and met this missionary, a great man of God, from Papua New Guinea. He already planned to start a Bible school in January, but had no curriculum. He gladly accepted Jack’s curriculum and asked if we had it in French too. He has a vision and desire to start Bible schools in French-speaking New Caledonia too. Within minutes, Jack and I gave him the core of the curriculum for the schools already translated into French stored on Jack’s computer. From that meeting alone, we established a school in the capital city and we may have started more schools in another nation.


Our Christian Brothers and Sisters in Tanna Island, Vanuatu.

Through God’s help, we were able to make miraculous contacts with the key people to start three Bible Schools in Vanuatu and possibly multiple schools in New Caledonia. Praise God!


Bringing Truth to Vanuatu

VanuatuAfter I announced that Dr. Jack Tuls and I are going on a short-term remote missions trip to Vanuatu in November, the most common response is, “Where is that?” It’s obvious that few people have ever heard of Vanuatu. It is a very remote island country between Australia and Fiji.

After researching, I learned that it is a place in desperate need of Bible teaching. Many of the non-Christians there still practice sorcery and witchcraft. They are in solid need of a visitation of the healing power of the Holy Spirit to run over sickness, disease, and bring freedom in that place.

It is a country with only a 53% literacy rate and low Bible understanding. We are going to three islands to start Bible schools in each place. These schools will bring truth and foundational strength to the believers who attend them and empower them to bring change to their nation.

Of the several Bible School planting trips I’ve been on with Dr. Jack Tuls, we have seen miracles, signs, and wonders on every single one of them. I know we will make an impact in both the long and short term. Many people will have changed lives that attend these schools.

I am excited to bring change and truth to this nation. Will you please stand with us financially and in prayer to make a difference in Vanuatu? I need $2,500 in addition to our monthly support to go. Thank you in advance for your help.