We Finally Got a Vehicle!

1995 Toyota Tamaraw FX

I just want to praise God that we were finally able to purchase a vehicle!


It is a very reliable 1995 Toyota Tamaraw FX with a diesel engine. These SUV-type vehicles are known for being workhorses and very rarely let you down. Also, the diesel engine is very economical as diesel fuel is much cheaper than gasoline here.

Although it is a 90’s vehicle, I have that feeling like I just drove off the lot with a brand new car.

I am so relieved that we can finally use this large vehicle to transport up to nine volunteers or lots of much needed supplies to around Mindanao. In the past, we have had to leave large amounts of supplies behind because either we didn’t have the space to move them and quite honestly sometimes not enough money for fuel to make the trips.

I’m so thankful to those of you who donated and prayed for us to help make this possible. I know God will reward you greatly.

Elijah is happy that we got what he calls a "Truck." We probably won't let him paint it though.

Elijah is happy that we got what he calls a “Truck.” We probably won’t let him paint it though.