Although I am a full time missionary in the Philippines, I am leaving on November 3rd for Mozambique, Africa by faith on a short term missions trip. Dr. Jack Tuls and I will start Bible schools and Kingdom Training Centers in the remote areas of this African nation. I have been on several trips with Jack in the past thirteen years to establish these schools and every one has been miraculous. On these trips we have seen divine appointments, supernatural healing, blind eyes opened, deaf ears healed, salvations, and other undeniable miracles. I expect that this trip will be more of the same.
These trips with Dr. Jack got me started going to the nations and he is really my spiritual father and mentor in the faith. He is now 81 years old and is not showing any signs of slowing down and is also mentally sharper than anyone I know. I am honored, excited, and compelled to go with him any time he asks.
My budget for this trip is $3,000. Thankfully, about $1,600 has already come in. I admit that I need a miracle to meet the remaining $1,400 budget before I leave on November 3rd.
We live by faith every month to meet the budget for the Refuge Youth Center, the Center of Life Children’s Feeding Program, the Flipside Children’s Feeding Program, the various outreaches we do, and for our family of three. We have honestly not even met our October ministry budget yet, but I’m trying to at least get this trip paid for before I leave.
Will you please be part of this miracle?
Thank you for your support.