24 Hour Worship Marathon at the Refuge

24 Hour Worship Marathon at the RefugeAbout one week ago, we hosted our first 24 hour praise and worship marathon at the Refuge. We had about sixty on-fire youth passionately worshipping God the whole time. It ran continuously for 24 hours from Friday until Saturday night. It was amazing to see the hunger, fire, and passion the youth displayed the whole time. The atmosphere for worship and soaking in God’s presence was just wonderful.

Soaking at the 24 Hour Worship Marathon.

Sheena who attended announced that her friend Khael was healed at the event, “He testified how his sore throat was instantly healed when he joined the 24 hour non-stop worship.”

Another attendee told me she clearly heard answers from God about things she had been praying for months about. She also told me she enjoyed God’s presence so much that it was hard for her to leave.

This event was such a wonderful success. We can’t wait to have the next one.

Excited to Worship God at the Refuge

The Refuge Goes On

During the past few months, despite going through a paralyzing time, the Refuge is still running. The Bible and Missions training there graduated their first class of students and Edge Radio is still holding public events there. We are also having evangelistic film viewings.

One of the biggest challenges we have at the Refuge is a lack of equipment. Every time we hold an event, we have to borrow two or three guitar amplifiers, instruments, a LCD projector, drum cymbals, etc. We also have no furniture for our huge downstairs fellowship area. We are hoping to convert the downstairs into a coffee house where youth can come at all hours to study, have fellowship, and receive counseling. We are also hoping to remodel the upstairs with some acoustic foam to help with the deafening reverb during the concerts.

James 4:2 says, “You have not because you ask not.” Well, I’m asking now for help. We immediately need a LCD projector, amplifiers, guitars, and a new drum kit. We also need to furnish our downstairs so we can have a place for the youth to hang out. I envision having a coffee bar with lots of furniture, games, and for it to be a fun place.
With your help, we can transform this place into a greater soul-winning machine with ongoing discipleship and change happening in the hearts of the youth of this city.

The Refuge Youth Center’s First Event

The Refuge Youth Center Philippines from the Highway

This is the view of The Refuge Youth Center from the MacArthur Highway.


The Refuge Youth Center opened for its first event on July 28, 2011. We hosted the Edge Connect which is a meeting for Edge radio listeners to meet the radio deejays and staff of the radio station. Many unsaved young people attended this event.

We had the Christian band Whitefield play a mini-concert for this event. They requested that I give a salvation altar call during their last song which I gladly obliged. I gave a short salvation message to which everyone responded by praying the prayer of salvation and repentance with me.

Youth responding to the First altar call at the Refuge Youth Center

The strong response to the first altar call at the Refuge.


I’m so thankful to have such a powerful God who provided us a place to preach the Gospel to young people here in Davao City. This is only the start of what God is about to do in The Refuge.